Monster - Walter Dean Myers

Title: Monster
Author: Walter Dean Myers
Publisher: Amistad
Publication Date: December 14, 2004
Page Count: 281
My Format: Kindle
Source: Overdrive (Public Library)


Report Card
Characters- C-
Plot C-
Setting D
Overall D+


Firstly, I don't understand what the bid deal about this book is. I guess it's supposed to be eye-opening, maybe? Gripping? I don't know. The writing of this book threw me. It's written as a script, which I just don't like. I feel like I wasn't given enough to care about the characters or what happened to them.


The only character I even remember is Steven and it isn't because he's all that great of a character. It's because the way that the story is written, I barely followed who the characters are. I just didn't.


Again, it's the format. I didn't feel there with him.


If I don't care about the characters, then I don't care about the plot. That's pretty much it.